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Boy Scout Troop 77
NYLT This Weekend!

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NYLT This Weekend!

Posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2015

Be at Bethany Church (Washington Township) at 7am this Saturday

National Youth Leadership Training Week at Camp Turrell

This event is for senior scouts selected to participate in this year's NYLT program at Camp Turrell. Please note this will be a full week of activity and leadership training. Be sure to read this information packet sent out to all participants. It is your responsibility to be paid up and prepared!

Remember, this IS NOT A TROOP ACTIVITY. This is an individual activity and Mr Eapen is proving transportation, only, to Camp Turrell and back for those scouts already selected and registered. Directions to Camp Turrell are here.

Here are the details (NOTE: We are meeting at a DIFFERENT Bethany Church location; not Wyckoff):

WHEN: Sunday, August 16th at 7:00am (be on time; we will leave at 8:00 am sharp)

WHERE: Bethany Church, Washington Township Campus (399 Pascack Road, Washington Township)

WHAT: Pack a hydration pack with water, bring a snack for the ride (about 1 hour and 15 min).
You must be in Class-A uniform.

Be sure to pack everything as noted in this pack list. You will see that 2 T-shirts will be given to you to wear for the ENTIRE week. Rather than buying more NYLT T-Shirts, wesuggestyou bring STAY-DRY (or some sort of quick dry polyester equivalent)T-shirts with you for the weekand put the NYLT T-Shirts over them. Also, you are required to fill out this questionnaire and email this form to the NYLT coordinator.

If you have not remitted payment in full, it is due by August 1st. It is your responsibility to make sure you are paid in full by this date. You must also bring your BSA medical form and any medical prescriptions with you. If the medicine is not on the medical form, it cannot be brought with you to Camp Turrell.

Mr Eapen will go on Saturday, August 22nd to Camp Turrel to pick up the scouts and return them back to Bethany Church, Washington Township Campus. We should be back by 12pm. Any other questions? Please contact Mr Eapen at (201) 783-9880.

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